In the heart of the rich and plentiful Masai Mara Game, sits the Sand River Eco Camp. Just like it’s name, the camp sits on the famous Sand river of the Mara.
In the move to attain a full eco friendly environment, CAT designed and installed a solar plant in the size of 181.5Kwp of PV Modules, 216Kva inverter size using Victron & Fronius couple and 431.2Kwh ESS using BYD Lithium Batteries. The above system is used to power 16 family tents as well as the kitchen & mess area with an African design and decor.

To provide affordable hot water throughout the year, CAT also installed thermodynamic solar water heaters which uses the heat from the atmosphere to heat water. At any time of the day or night, shower water is available at a temperature of +45°C.
The installed solar plant has seen the camp dependency on fossil fuel drop from 24 hours to between zero and 2 hours per day.
Just like our Motto says, ‘OWN YOUR POWER’ we have enabled SRM to own their power.